We offer two different OWI classes through the Prairie Ridge Intoxicated Driver Education (PRIDE), a 12-Hour Prime For Life OWI Program and PRIDE the weekend jail/OWI Program.
NOTE: The deadline to register is noon the day of the schedule class.
i.e. 20 hours of education coupled with 48 hours of lockdown.
NOTE: Registration MUST be completed by noon on the previous Friday (one week prior to the start of the class)!
NOTE: This list is not inclusive. If you have further questions, about what program you can attend, please contact your attorney and/or refer to your court order.
Note: Prairie Ridge does NOT accept personal checks for payment of either class. You can pay by phone with a debit/credit card.
The state mandated cost of the 12 hour PRIME for Life class is $180.
The PRIDE weekend location is at the Holiday Inn Express in Mason City, IA. This program costs $535. Included in the cost of this program is the $180 DOT-mandated education fee, two nights of hotel rooms, and meals for the weekend. Participants may request a single room for $665. *Fees subject to change
The Prairie Ridge Weekend Jail/OWI Program is a program designed to fulfill both the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) education requirements and the court-mandated jail time for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) offenses.
In order to attend this program, participants must have had their OWI substance use evaluation and be court ordered by a judge.
As a participant, you will receive the PRIME For Life education required by the State of Iowa in order to be eligible to reapply for your driver’s license.
This program begins on Friday with sign-in at 5:00 p.m. Participants will receive four(4) hours of PRIME for Life education on Friday, eight(8) hours on Saturday and eight(8) hours on Sunday. The program will end promptly at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
We have a total of 13 locations, serving multiple towns across northern Iowa. Find a location closest to you, and reach out to us to schedule your appointment.
Prairie Ridge Integrated Behavioral Healthcare is committed to providing services and programs anchored by the values of dignity and respect for our patients and staff.
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